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2025-27 Officer Nomination Form
Thank you for taking the time to nominate yourself and/or a sister to be considered for an officer position of the Huntsville Alabama Alumnae Chapter of Delta Zeta for the 2023-25 years. If you have any questions please e-mail
Christie Harmon, Nominations Committee Chairman
[email protected]
You are welcome to submit nominations for any or all of the positions listed below. Job descriptions are under each office, but please reach out to the
current officer
Christie Harmon
with any questions.
Indicates required field
Your Name
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to establish all special committees subject to the approval of the Executive Board; to be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; to take necessary action to protect the interests of the Chapter in any emergency which may arise between meetings; and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President. She shall delegate responsibilities but be willing and able to fill a breach rather than allow the Chapter to suffer. She shall see that the Chapter is doing its part in meeting its social and civic responsibilities. The President shall send a list of the names and contact information of all officers to National Headquarters following their election.
Nomination for President
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
First Vice-President - Programs
It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to act as an aide to the President; to assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to serve; to act as parliamentarian if no other members are available; and to perform such other duties as may be required. The First Vice-President shall serve as Program Chairman, i.e., setting up the programs for the year and securing meeting places each month. She will work with the Second Vice-President --Membership to notify all members of the Chapter about upcoming meetings, locations, and co-hostesses.
Nomination for First VP - Programs
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Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Assistant First Vice-President - Programs
Nomination for Assistant First VP - Programs
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Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Second Vice-President - Membership
It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to recruit members to the Chapter; to assemble and maintain the Chapter’s membership roster; to assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s and First Vice-President’s absence or their inability or unwillingness to serve in either of their elected offices. The Second Vice-President shall cultivate and encourage the interest of all members and see that all members are properly informed of Chapter functions.
Nomination for Second VP - Membership
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Assistant Second Vice-President - Membership
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Second Vice-President to assist the Second Vice President in all aspects of her duties.
Nominations for Assistant Second VP - Membership
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Third Vice-President - Ways and Means
It shall be the duty of the Third Vice-President--Ways and Means to chair any major fundraising event voted on by the Chapter membership in any year. She shall make the arrangements as to time and place of such fundraising events, conduct all correspondences, appoint all sub-committee chairmen, and conduct such committee meetings as necessary to assure project success. The Third Vice-President shall serve as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. The past Third Vice-President—Ways and Means, she shall serve as advisor to the Ways and Means Committee.
Nominations for Third VP - Ways and Means
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Assistant Third Vice-President - Ways and Means
Two (2) Assistant Vice-Presidents shall serve each term to provide sufficient leadership for fundraising events. It shall be the duty of each Assistant Third Vice- Presidents to assist the Third Vice-President in all aspects of all major fundraising event undertaken by the Chapter in any year. The Assistant Third VicePresidents shall learn the procedures and practices involved in the event, should either of them take over its chairmanship in subsequent years. One Assistant Third Vice-President shall serve on the Ways and Means Committee and the other shall serve on the Philanthropy Committee.
Nomination for Assistant Third VP - Ways and Means
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of all meetings and distribute them to Chapter members. She shall carry on the regular correspondence of the Chapter and keep record of member attendance at all meetings.
Nomination for Secretary
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect and have custody of all dues and funds of the Chapter and disperse such funds upon order of the Chapter; to submit a financial statement of all receipts, expenditures, and balances on hand at regular meetings of the Chapter and at the end of the Chapter year; to perform such other duties as usually pertain to this office; and to turn over to her successor all funds on hand, with a detailed statement of same, together with all books, records, and equipment pertaining to this office. She shall serve as chairman of the Finance Committee.
Nomination for Treasurer
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Assistant Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Treasurer to collect and have primary custody of the funds of the fundraising projects and to disperse such funds upon order of the Chapter; to submit a financial statement of the receipts, expenditures and balance on hand of each fundraising project when requested by the Chapter, the President, Treasurer or Third Vice President; to submit a final statement to the Chapter within 60 days after the end of each fundraising project; and at the end of her term to turn over to the Treasurer or her successor in office all funds on hand, with a detailed statement of same, together with all books, records and equipment pertaining to this office. She shall serve on the Finance Committee and the Ways and Means Committee.
Nomination for Assistant Treasurer
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Communications Chairman
It shall be the duty of the Communications Chairman to write all letters and any articles requested by the editor of The Lamp, with such other contributions as may, in her judgment, further the interest of the Chapter. She shall manage and monitor all social media communications, including Chapter website content.
Nomination for Chapter Editor
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
Panhellenic Delegate
It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic Delegate to attend all regular meetings of the Huntsville-Madison County Panhellenic Association; to see that Delta Zeta Sorority is represented at all business sessions and social affairs and to make full monthly reports to the Chapter. She shall choose an Alternate Delegate to aid her in every way possible. Should the Panhellenic Delegate be unable to serve, the Alternate Delegate will, with the approval of the Executive Board, assume the office.
Nomination for Panhellenic Delegate
[object Object]
Please share any information to help us know background/skills/desire for the possible nominee.
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